Friday, June 15, 2007

Already Moved

For those of you that have been checking out this blog, look no further. After setting up a blog all on my own, Shawny suggested I add mine to her typepad account. So, it is moved to a new location.

My typepad blog

I probably should have deleted my blogger blog, but I just hadn't gotten around to it. Anyway, I have posted a few things since this first one so come on over and check it out.


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Now Open

Welcome to my new blog!

I am quite surprised that I have finally decided to start a blog. It seems like everyone I know has a blog. Eventually I will have a cool list on the side that you can check out all the blogs that I visit (they are mostly family members). I guess I am giving into societal peer pressure, which is odd for me because I am not someone who really cares about being "trendy".

Now that you are here, I guess I will just tell you some of the reasons I have decided to start my own blog. I am not someone who likes to journal, but I feel that this could be a cool way to jot down the "bits 'n pieces" of my life. I think that the computer is the greatest thing since sliced bread so blogging just seems to be a great way to journal without having to use a pen and paper. I do my grocery lists by computer and on-line so why wouldn't I attempt journaling on-line. I am not a very out-going person but I do feel that I am a pretty open person so I am really not concerned about my personal thoughts being public.

Another reason I wanted to start a blog was so that I can post some pics of my family & kiddos. I think that it would be a nice way to keep some of our distant family members up to speed with the haps of our little family. I would also love to be able to do some digital scrappin' like my sisters do, but I am not sure I am ready for that yet. I am not at all artsy and I hardly even take pics of my kiddos so it will be a big step for me. My big sister said that it is so easy and she is ready to get me "hooked" so who knows, maybe the blogging world is just the beginning of great things to come.

The final reason I wanted to start a blog is to journal my spiritual walk. So many things have happened in my life recently that have caused me to really focus on where I am at spiritually and where I am going. God has grown me in so many ways and I just want to jot those things down so that I can look back at God's faithfulness in my life.

Thank you for reading my lengthy first post. I hope to be able to customize my little blog very soon. Maybe I can get my big sister to help me with a cute little banner for the top.